
Monday, 24 March 2014

2013 - More Lives Remembered

Last New Year’s Eve I listed some of the lgbt people who had died during 2013. There wasn’t space to list all of them, and I’ve been made aware of several others since then. So here, on what was traditionally New Year’s Eve before modern times, is a continuation of those in the lgbt community who died during 2013.

28th Jan.          Dan Massey, sexual freedom advocate and lgbt activist, aged 70.
23rd Mar.          Christopher Robson, founder, Gay and Lesbian Equality Network.
25th May          Herman Emminck, Dutch singer and broadcaster, aged 86.
10th Jun.          Chrisie Edkins, transgender campaigner and singer, aged 33.
14th Jun.          Dr. John Morin, sexologist and author, aged 67.
13th Aug.         Damon Intrabartolo, film composer (“Fantastic Four”, “Superman Returns”), aged 39.
21st Sept.        Sean Morrin, lgbt and human rights activist, aged 48.
22nd Sept.       Gloria Johnson, women’s and lgbt activist, aged 76.
29th Sept.        Rick Salinas, early AIDS activist, aged 82.
30th Sept.        Dr. Daniella Kaufman, pioneer author on trans issues, aged 53.
8th Oct.            Philip Chevron, guitarist with The Pogues, aged 56.
12th Oct.          Elmer Lokkins, US army veteran, same-sex marriage campaigner, aged 93.
2nd Nov            Betsy Smittle, country singer, aged 60.
3rd Nov.            Ronald Rebholz, Emeritus Professor, Stanford University, aged 81.
21st Nov.          Conrad Susa, composer. Aged 78.
14th Dec.         Marvin Burrows, same-sex marriage campaigner, aged 77.
22nd Dec.        Christopher Lee, film-maker, founder of Tranny Fest.
26th Dec.         Otis Charles, Episcopal Bishop of Utah (1971-93), aged 87.

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