
Monday, 28 October 2013


Way back in February I gave a list of the people who were Scientist of the Year, an award given by the National Organisation of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals (NOGLSTP). They also give other awards for work in science and technology, and here is the complete list to date. Several of the winners have been featured in some of my articles throughout the year.

Walt Westman Award
(named after one of NOGLSTP’s founders and awarded in recognition to the recipient’s contribution and commitment to the organisation).
2004    Rochelle Diamond, Chair of NOGLSTP.
2006    Michael Parga, in recognition of his work to have the organisation incorporated.
2007    Christopher Bannochie, in recognition of his work as liaison with the American Chemical Society.
2012    Amy A. Ross, founding member of Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Scientists.

GLBT Institution/Organisation of the Year (called the National Corporate Award in 2005)
(awarded to the institution/organisation/company which has demonstrated outstanding support for NOLSTP and its objectives).
2004    The American Association for the Advancement of Science.
2005    The Raytheon Company.

GLBT Engineer of the Year
(awarded to an engineer who has made outstanding contributions in their field, and recognises sustained contributions in design, production, management or research).
2005    Lynn Conway, Prof. Emerita of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan.
2006    Peter Ventzek, manager, Advanced Products Research and Development Laboratory at Freescale; Chair of the Plasma Science and Technology Division, American Vacuum Society; member of the Freescale EQUAL employee group.
2007    Tim Gill, founder and former chair of Quark Inc., a leading developer of page lay-out software; Chairman of the Gill Foundation.
2008    Michael Steinberg, Deputy Program Manager for Air-to-Air Programs, Raytheon Missile Systems; Raytheon Engineering Fellow since 2003; co-founder, Tuscon branch of the Raytheon GLBTA Employee Resource Group; former President of Beth El Binah, a Jewish lgbt community in Dallas.
2009    Anthony J. Gingiss, Systems Engineering Integration and Test Manager, GPS Program, Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems; President Emeritus, El Segundo California chapter of the Boeing Employee Association of Gays, Lesbians and Friends.
2010    Jay Keasling, Hubbard Howe Jr Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California Berkeley.
2011    William Huffman of Northrup Grumman Electronic Systems – Marine Systems; in recognition of his work on key safety elements of the Trident nuclear submarine weapons system.
2012    Charles W. Lickel, former Vice-President of Software Research, IBM; co-chair, IBM GLBT corporate diversity task force; member of the Board of Directors, Out and Equal.

Educator Award
(awarded in recognition of the recipient’s contribution to the growth of glbt students in science or technology through teaching, counselling, advocacy, role modelling or other educational role).
2006    Denice Denton, Chancellor, University of California, Santa Cruz; Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington; recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring, 2004.
2007    Karl Mauzey, Instructor of Computer Networking and Information Technology, Community College, San Francisco.
2008    Michael Falk, Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and of Applied Physics, University of Michigan.
2009    Virginia Uribe, counselling psychologist and retired science teacher; founder of Project 10, a support system for lgbt students in the Los Angeles Unified School District; founder of Models of Pride conference, and Models of Excellence scholarship programme.
2010    Donna Riley, Associate Professor of Engineering, Smith College.
2011    Ron Buckmire, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Mathematics, Occidental College Los Angeles; creator of the Queer Resources Directory; co-founder, Barbara Jordan/Bayard Rustin Coalition, a black lgbt civil rights organisation.
2012    Mark Pope, Professor and Chair of the Division of Counselling and Family Therapy, University of Missouri St Louis; President, American Psychological Association’s Society of the Psychological Study of LGB Issues; former President, American Counselling Association.

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